понедельник, 31 октября 2011 г.

Sticky date pudding with butterscotch sauce

Can you tell me what would you do firstly with a plateful of beautiful, suggestively shining dates? I would make a photo - the interest to food photography is clear here. And even stunning aroma and appetizing appearance wouldn't be able to change my crazy intentions. Why crazy? They acquired such characteristic according to my family thoughts. By the way, members of my family don't share my maniac passion of food photo. They don't mind, of course, but nevertheless prefer traditional actions toward food. I'm sure you understood in what way. The same was with sweet-scented dried fruit: they were eaten. Somebody (hm-hm :)) did it without batting an eyelid and as if nothing had happened noticed that I should warn and stop grumbling: a round half-dozen of dates was left! It's better to say ONLY six dates, six lonely dates! This fact should make me feel happy.
Oh, give up being sad. It's time to go on. There won't be a photo of dates plate - you know the reason. But instead of it there will be sticky date pudding with butterscotch sauce. It's very aroma and pleasant, and you may eat the sauce with a big spoon.
Treat yourself while I'm ordering the warehouse lock - I'll hang it on the plate next time. And write a note. With red felt-tip pen. To be confident at all :))

Sticky date pudding with butterscotch sauce

суббота, 22 октября 2011 г.


It's time to allow some more than usual....


...even hamburger with cutlet, cheese, tomatoes and parsley

Happy Birthday!!!

среда, 19 октября 2011 г.

Plum&Cinnamon bars

I suppose many of us have been still making tasty preserves for winter. And it’s a good thing because a jar of home-made salty cucumbers or tomatoes for a holiday or aroma jam will be desired for a dining table in winter.
Sometimes preserves are coming to the end before the coldest season. And not only because they were made too little. Everything is so tasty and appetizing that after opening the jar only “for test” you realize: the only degustation isn’t enough. You begin to eat and can’t stop: because of homemade, not from shop ones. How can you keep yourself? And is it necessary?
I turned up myself in the common stream of “before-wintertime-eaters”, opening the jar of plum jam. But I did it for special purpose − aroma Plum&Cinnamon bars.

Plum&Cinnamon bars